Efficient and strong availability record/check function

ETprocess has an efficient and strong availability record/check function.

1. An external resource (assignee) can update the schedule in the [AVAILABILITY] menu.

2. The updated schedule is displayed in the [RESOURCE SCHEDULING] window when clicking the [RESRC SCHEDULING] button on the project list's top menu.

3. An internal resource (assignee or employee) can also update the schedule by writing an application at the [APPLICATION] menu in the navigation bar on the left side.

4. The written application is forwarded to the leader of the team the writer belongs to.

5. If the team leader confirms the application, the schedule is updated according to the application's content.

All the tasks are displayed in the form of graphics in the [RESOURCE SCHEDULING] window. The assigned project information such as volume and duration, etc. are shown; therefore, it is possible to allocate equally to a certain extent from the project manager's standpoint.


Like [RESRC SCHEDULING], all information on PM's current schedule can be checked in the [PM SCHEDULING] window, so it is possible to distribute tasks equally from the supervisor's point of view.

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