How to easily search for the assignees you need

When you try to proceed with a project, you need to search for the assignees you need. This is to guide you on how to easily search for the assignees.

1. At the navigation bar of the left side, click the [VENDOR] menu under the [DATABASE] menu.

2. You can set up the search condition on the top menu bar.

3. On the [Write Task Request] window that pops up when you click the [Send] button of the project list, you can also search for the specific assignee's name. In case that the resource has several rate information, you can see all the rates with the same language pairs.

4. On the top menu of the project list, click the [RESRC SCHEDULING] button to pop up the new window.

5. You can have an idea of how the assignee's availability is at the moment.

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